KAIROS is a project created in 2012 by the architects João Quintela and Tim Simon in partnership with the company’s prefab concrete Gracifer, as an answer to an inhibitor and unsustainable social and economic context, with the aim of encouraging, generating and presenting site-specific installations in which Space appears as the central theme.

It’s a pavilion - non profit project - that intends to receive site-specific interventions proposed by architects or artists. The calendar changes between periods of invited proposals and periods of selected interventions from an open call. These projects should be created as an original work developed for this space, exploiting his characteristics and dialoguing with the ambiences through their own and personal research.

Following this concept and moving away from the institutional circuit of museums and galleries, the space is intended to be public, free, and open to all the participants and proposals that want to integrate the exhibition’s calendar and by this generate the meeting and interaction between different generations and multidisciplinary projects. KAIROS curatorial team is composed by Fabrícia Valente, João Quintela and Tim Simon.

The invitation to participate and submit proposals in KAIROS Pavilion is open to architecture, fine arts, performance, theatre, music and other artistic languages in which the participants feel that fits inside this concept contributing to approach creators and public.